I finally have some time to write something for my blog and I don’t have a damn thing to say. I hate it when people don’t post regularly and I have become one of those people. Okay, anyone who has me Bloglined knows that I do post, I just pull the posts before anyone gets a chance to read them. Since I'm in the mood to blog, yet have nothing to say, I am going to write about what I have written and rejected as being not blogworthy. Something tells me this is another one of those 3 minute posts, i.e. I publish the post, wait three minutes, then remove it.
Cookies for Doctors -- This post was inspired by something I read on EchoDoc’s blog regarding an ungrateful patient. I wrote about how I felt like I didn’t show enough appreciation to my doctors. You know, some people are cookie people and some aren’t.
Five Pounds – This post didn’t even make it to the “Publish” button. I wrote about how I gained 5 pounds over the holidays and had been walking around hoping that the 5 pounds had been distributed evenly over my 5’7” frame and had not landed all on my ass. The point of the post was that last week I was back down to my fighting weight, yet no one had mentioned it. No one except a U.S. Marshall at the Federal Courthouse that I only see maybe once a week. I know, poor, poor pitiful me.
Men and Cabinet Doors – Another post that didn’t make it to “Publish”. This was a work rant asking why can't men ever close a cabinet (or closet or any other kind of) door. And why do they leave their Styrofoam coffee cups on the counter instead of just turning their lazy ass around and dropping it in the garbage can. They are standing right next to it!!!
Poop, Pus, Pee and Barf – Post where I attempt to answer the occasional question: Well, MA, if you’re so interested in all things medical, why don’t you get a job in the healthcare industry? (And no, you perv, I don’t have a “thing” for doctors, although I must say y’all look mighty cute in your scrubs.)
The Perfect Patient—After reading the medblogs, I learned that doctors don’t like all of their patients. Probably naïve of me to think that they did, but naïve is my middle name. Anyway, the competitor in me makes me want to be the perfect patient. So I wrote about the posts I had read and whether I was, or was not, the perfect patient. This post has some promise and I may actually do a little tweaking and publish it.
Where are all of the Funny Medblogs? – I wrote this when it seemed like every medblog I read was either serious, whiny, or sad and depressing. But then, that was my mood at the time, so I figured it was just the medblogs I was choosing to read. The last thing I want to do is be critical of other people's blogs when, well, look at this post.
Recipes and Medblogs—Enough said. Addendum: Recipes and medblogs are two of my favorite things to read. When a medblog includes recipes, I am in hog heaven.
Sorry, Wrong Blog – This was actually two different posts that I withdrew. I am always surprised when my blog comes up when people are googling medical terms. I do have a suggestion if anyone needs a topic to write about. STAPLES OR STITCHES? I get at least 20 hits a day for that question alone. “Atrophied testicle”, “I hate lawyers” and “butt pus” are also very popular. My favorite though was “nurse prostate nude stirrups”.
Request for Lawyer Jokes--I know. I was really, really struggling when I wrote this one. Although that post did start off with a great doctor/golf joke. I am considering posting a new lawyer joke on my sidebar everyday. Then I won't feel so guilty about people stopping by when I haven't posted anything new.
Hey Scalpel, It’s Snowing!—The title says it all; there is no accompanying post. We came close, but I was never able to hit the “Publish” button for this one.