On the first day of Christmas,
my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.
On the first day of Christmas, your true love sent to you, a partridge in a pear tree! We want to know what your partridge looks like.
My partridge looks like David Cassidy. No, just kidding! I couldn't resist. According to Wikipedia, there are two types of partridge commonly found in North American as game birds. One is colorful and the other one is gray. The partridge in my pair tree would have bright feathers and would be a talker just like me. It would never shut up.
Q.1 When did you decide you wanted to be a nurse?
I guess I was around 4 years old. I come from a family of nurses. Imagine a room full of woman talking about the nursing profession. That was my life, and why I became a nurse.
Q.2 What’s the best part of your job? The worst?
Best part of the job: I get to see the best of humanity. Worst part about the job: I also get to see the worst of humanity.
Q.3 Did you have another career before you became a nurse?
No. I've been a nurse for 30 plus years.
Q.4 Is this really a true story?
A nurse caring for a woman from Kentucky asked, "So how's your breakfast this morning?" "It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste," the patient replied. The nurse asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled "KY Jelly."
I'm sure it's true. You wouldn't believe what happens behind hospital walls
Q.5 A lot of people get to my site after googling things like “hot nurses”. Y’all seem to have quite the reputation. Do patients ever hit on you?
Not now. I'm old and wrinkled, but guys use to hit on me all of the time when I was in my prime. It was funny. All I had to do was put on my nursing uniform and go shopping. I'd always come home with some guy's phone number in my pocket
Q.6 When did you first hear the expression “nurses eat their young”?
I first heard that expression when I was in nursing school. It's sad but true, some old nurses get off on beating up on young nurses. It's like a power trip. It's sick, and I confront people on their behavior when I see it going on.
Q.7 What’s the most useless thing you have ever bought?
A stove. I don't cook.
Q.8 If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
The power to read minds. I'm around some people that I just don't understand.
Q.9 Tell us about the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you on the job.
I can't remember. I've obviously repressed that memory.
Q.10 What food do you absolutely hate and will never eat?
Hundred Year Egg.
Q.11 What’s the name of one movie that you watch over and over?
The Devil Wears Prada
Q.12 For the most part, nurses and doctors don’t really bitch about each other in the medblogs. Is that because there is not that much to bitch about or are y’all just playing nice on your medblogs?
I think it's because we are all on the same page when it comes to wanting what is best for our patients. We can't deliver the best care because our health care system is broken.
Q.13 What do your co-workers do that really irritate you?
They don't advocate for themselves or for your patients.
Q.14 Tell me the craziest thing you have ever seen at one of those wild hospital Christmas parties I’m always hearing about.
I never go to Christmas parties. EVER!
Q. 15 Do you play a musical instrument?
Holiday Quickfire Questions.
a. reindeer: Dancer
b. cookie: Raisin
c. carol: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
d. holiday television show: Charlie Brown Christmas
e. activity: Sleeping through Christmas
Thank you for being my first day of Christmas! Mother Jones, RN
Too funny! Thank you for including me in your twelve days of Christmas. I had a lot of fun.
What a wonderful interview!
I just "met" Mother Jones recently, but I really enjoy her blog.
Thanks for this.
Great interview.
It's always a treat to her from Mother.
Great way to start and I love the glam pinup for MJ!
One of the best Christmas themed posts I've read, period! Great Job!
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